The three San Francisco daily newspapers, all of which were supporting Christophor for mayor, picked up the story the next day. Their reaction was virtually unani"smear"



Mayor Christopher replied to Wolden, praising the good reputation of the Police Department nationally. "Weeks ago I warned the people of San Francisco that they could expect this kind of scurrility. . . .This accusati on is the dying gasp of a desperate politician".

On October 9 the San Francisco dailies revealed that the resolution passed by Mattachine was, in the words of the "San Francisco Chronicle", "a plant by a behind-thescones operator in the Wolden campaign."

Said the Chronicle's front-page story: "The mysterious figure who worked the resolution through the Society during its Denver convention turned out to be William Patrick Brandhove." The paper stated Brandhove "was once a Communist, later a loud ex-Communist and built up a long police record during both periods." The story goes on to detail how Brandhove joined Mattachine and attended the Denver convention, even acting as parlia mentarian during business sessions.

It was Brandhovo who introduced the resolution to the delegates from the San Francisco Area Council, according to Harold L. Call, Mattachino publications director. Call said Brandhove reported some members of the San Francisco Police Department had requested the resolution be passed. The original resolution, supposedly mailed from San Francisco to Denver, was reworded by the San Francisoo delogatos before being prosented to the convention.

Brandhove admitted ho was a Wolden supporter, but denied he had received any money from Wolden forces. He said his survoy of sox doviates was financed by himself, the Chronicle stated.


Following the story in the Progross the Mattachine Society filed a $1,103,500.00 slander suit against Wolden, declar-